Windows 8 preview release is available for download

Windows 8 preview release is available for download

The software giant Microsoft has provided earlier than she expected to release preview of Windows 8 download. This includes some improvements over the consumer preview. This is the last chance for all the new operating system before releasing to produce interested free to try out. Amongst the changes, in addition to Internet Explorer include 10 various apps from Microsoft and third parties in the Windows store. The support was improved also multiple monitors - also some security vulnerabilities are to be closed.
Windows 8 Release
Until the completion, however still some time should pass in order to guarantee a high quality in the final product - until the RTM still some changes to Windows 8 should be made, so Windows Chief Steven Sinofsky, in a blog entry. You would enter especially on the feedback from users, to create a possible user friendly environment. When Windows 8 on the market will come is not yet known.Windows 8 preview release can be immediately at be downloaded.

Source: Microsoft